Why has Lyndon LaRouche not yet been recognized as the most important creative intellect of the twentieth century? Why are Liberal Democrats so pessimistic, outraged, and fearful, about their failure in Afghanistan? What is the common underlying murderous axiomatic fallacy behind Liberal Democrats and cybernetics?
The reason for the refusal of LaRouche’s exoneration can be found in the hidden Dominican cloisters of the Ultramontane Roman Church of the Middle Ages, where the brainwashing method of Aristotelian deductive theology became the founding birthplace of today’s Norbert Weiner’s cybernetics concoction; that is, Aristotelian Intelligence (AI).
As a result, today, as it was during the 1200’s Albigensian Crusade, the Liberal Democratic leaders of the Western world are going to their demise by jockeying for the best front row seats of the public opinion arena in anticipation of the greatest genocide in human history. Are you going to sit back and watch this happen like some new Roman circus?