Do you know where the future is? Do you know how to get there? Furthermore, do you know how to go anywhere else once you get there? Those are the questions that I have to investigate in order to find the pathway that will allow me to travel wherever I want to go. However, the question is not so much where I want to go, but how I’m going to get there.
Lyndon LaRouche’s discovery of the principle of Relative Potential Population-Density (RPPD) regarding the causality of temporal eternity is the pathway I am talking about. This pathway is not easy to find as it is not moving the way you might think it is, because it is always going backward through final causality, that is, by time-reversal. The first step that one must take in order to replicate such a discovery of principle of time reversal always has to come from the future, and from there go back through the present to the past in order to change it, and turn it into what it should have been. Once you find such a pathway, it gives you a universal power to change the universe.