In the conclusion of the present report, I have included a hypothesis regarding what Lyndon LaRouche had been investigating as the projection of a geometrical distribution of prime numbers, which he had identified at the end of an article originally published 43 years ago and which was republished in his honor last week in EIR under the title: The Function of Teaching of Grammar as a Crucial Element of Military Policy (
LaRouche’s subject matter may appear to deal with numbers and grammatical considerations, and it might even have some meaningful mathematical significance; but, that is not what the subject matter is about. The subject matter concerns “singularities of real processes” (p. 42.) in which the ordering of numbers represents a “geometrically-determined” moment of pre-established reciprocity in temporal-eternity similar to what is required for understanding the axiom busting significance of the universal value of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia.