Cusa and Leibniz have led us to discover what lies beyond the limit of knowledge by forcing us to investigate the nature of our ignorance through hypothesizing the higher hypothesis. This investigation into the limits of our knowledge is not a futile exercise as most people would tend to believe. This investigation makes you discover all sorts of unknown, some small, some large, some more important than others, and some special sort which we did not even suspect existed.

It is the unknown of this last category which is the most important of all: The unknown of all the unknowns. Why is it so important? Because such an unsuspected unknown causes an even greater inversion in your mind than any other form of unknown can do. The discovery of an unsuspected unknown creates a new state of existence which opens the doors to the future of mankind in such a manner that it changes completely the ability of the mind to go back to the past in the usual way. It makes you go back to change the past.




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