BRICS: Creating a New Paradigm for World Development – Will the West Join? by LaRouchePAC Daily


Posted on July 26, 2018

Official 10th BRICS summit family photo, Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 July 2018. (Photo DIRCO ZA / Flickr)
Official 10th BRICS summit family photo, Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 July 2018. (Photo DIRCO ZA / Flickr)

A demonstration of the accelerating emergence of a new world order is taking place in South Africa today, where the leaders of the five BRICS nations — Russia, China, India, South Africa and Brazil — are holding their tenth annual Summit beginning yesterday and continuing through Friday. Also attending are the heads of state from Indonesia, Turkey, Argentina, and a large number of African nations, as part of the “BRICS Plus.” The African leaders will also attend a BRICS Africa Outreach Summit.



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