How can you examine the truth about a period of history which has been forgotten for thousands of years, and how can you explore past discovered principles that made human economics grow in spite of very evil proclivities? For example, the Sumer culture was destroyed more than four thousand years ago by an early geopolitical policy of population reduction. However, my greatest surprise about this culture is that it could be rediscovered and restored to its original state only by means of what Lyndon LaRouche identified as a discovery of principle. The so-called “language isolate” of Sumer was not such a closed system as most western archeologist claimed it was; at least it was not closed to an inquisitive mind. The Sumerians had their origins in India where “the ultimate truth is brought forth through the medium of seven-fold speech,” (Hymn 8-59) as the Rig Veda claimed it was more than five thousand years ago. The question is: what is the original discovery of principle that gave rise to ancient civilizations and how can such a principle help join our different human cultures together into a common aim of mankind today?