Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s Monadology is not an introduction to his philosophy; it is rather a conclusive epistemological assertion of the political maturity of his time, the highest expression of Leibniz’s own optimism about the human mind created in the Image of God.

Monadology is the domain where optimism and optimization of increasing relative population density coincide in the creative process itself; that is, where human identity begins to emerge from national citizenry to become universal citizenry. However, the only way to capture the significance of such a strategic act of political maturity is to apply it to your own mind, performatively, for the benefit of the common purpose of mankind.

Let’s discuss Leibniz’s Monadology from the view of an axiomatic relationship between three different epistemological manifolds: the manifold of the Monad of natural Souls and of human Spirits, the manifold of the Divine Monad, and the manifold of the World Monad. From that vantage point, the Monadology is the elaboration of a Universal Noosphere-Biosphere-Geosphere multiply-connected manifold reflecting itself back into the domain of creativity in the Image of the Mind of God.


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