
The First International Peace Conference, The Hague May-June 1899. Wikipedia

By retiring the American troops from Syria, President Donald Trump gave President Vladimir Putin the ability to restore in South West Asia as a whole the international peace that Russia was attempting to establish for the entire world in The Hague International Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907.
For the first time in human history, in May-June of 1899, world leaders gathered in The Hague, Netherlands to put an end to warfare and establish a code of conduct which was based on the American Lieber Code authorized during the American Civil War by Abraham Lincoln. The Hague conference, proposed by Russian Tsar Nicholas II , opened on May 18, 1899, the Tsar’s birthday and its purpose was to create an international court for settling international disputes whose ultimate goal was to put an end to warfare among nations. That ultimate objective failed at both conferences as World War I and World War II subsequently demonstrated.
During the last decade of the nineteenth century, a French Statesman, Léon Victor Auguste Bourgeois, became the most vocal European leader to advocate international peace, economic equality, cooperative solidarity, and controlled disarmament throughout the world. He served his country as Prime Minister from November 1st 1895 until April 29th 1896 and as Minister of Labor and Social Security in 1917. He also failed in his ultimate objectives of putting an end to warfare.
Being a “social republican” who advocated a coincidence of opposites policy between socialism and capitalism, Bourgeois established a political philosophy which he called “Solidarism.” Sent by his Government to be the principal French delegate at the Russian sponsored 1899 Hague International Peace Conference, Bourgeois became the most vocal peace advocate of Europe. He later became President of the Council of the League of Nations and won the 1920 Nobel Peace Prize for his work. Is it possible that Donald Trump could become the Léon Bourgeois of America and that Vladimir Putin be reviving the spirit of Tsar Nicholas II? Could this be the next step to a New Worldwide Peace of Westphalia? FIN


HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: “I’m actually very happy, and I think we should really encourage all our viewers to watch this video clip yourselves, because the Western media are not going to report it; they have not yet done it, and they may never do it. As a matter of fact, they’re completely distorting it. [ — full press conference] But what Trump did in this press conference, I would actually say, makes him an absolute candidate for the next Nobel Peace Prize.” Morning Briefing for Saturday, October 12, 2019.


The Chinese legend of Fu Xi and Nü Wa (c. 2,600 BC) is, so far, the most lawful account I know of how the universe is continuously being created by multiply-connected contrary circular action.

Fu Xi and Nü Wa

The illustration, here, represents two human beings united together in a DNA type of double helix which is generating the constellations of the stars with a compass and a square which they hold, respectively, in their right and left hands. What the Chinese have understood, at a very early stage of civilization, is that the human mind naturally moves in the direction of understanding how the creative process works through a self-governing torque action that solves contradictions and paradoxes.


How can you examine the truth about a period of history which has been forgotten for thousands of years, and how can you explore past discovered principles that made human economics grow in spite of very evil proclivities? For example, the Sumer culture was destroyed more than four thousand years ago by an early geopolitical policy of population reduction. However, my greatest surprise about this culture is that it could be rediscovered and restored to its original state only by means of what Lyndon LaRouche identified as a discovery of principle. The so-called “language isolate” of Sumer was not such a closed system as most western archeologist claimed it was; at least it was not closed to an inquisitive mind. The Sumerians had their origins in India where “the ultimate truth is brought forth through the medium of seven-fold speech,” (Hymn 8-59) as the Rig Veda claimed it was more than five thousand years ago. The question is: what is the original discovery of principle that gave rise to ancient civilizations and how can such a principle help join our different human cultures together into a common aim of mankind today?