The entire planet is about to undergo a historical paradigm shift. Such an extraordinary moment, whose reason most people will not fully understand until much later, is nevertheless going to shake everyone to the core, because it will require every human being to look at the truth of the present world crisis situation, head on; and that will be frightening. This event will be a moment of emotional challenge for every human being without exception, because the truth of what people will not want to accept will be visible for everyone to see. In fact, this event will be the first in history to affect all human beings at the same time and will tend to unite every individual from around the globe for the common aims of mankind. My intention, here, is not to forecast what such an event will be, but to show you how you can see it coming by giving you an example of how a paradigm shift takes place in your mind through a unique experiment with a classical artistic composition. What I am about to show you has no visible resemblance with the name and the event that is about to take place in the world, and its full significance will not really be known to you until that historical event has hit you. All that this report can do, therefore, is to show you how to look for that coming event from the future, ahead of time, and expect to cope with it with optimism and without emotional distress. The following experiment of a geometrical paradigm shift is a crucial mental experiment designed for discovering and solving Nicholas of Cusa’s principle of the coincidence of opposite; that is, the non-visible subject matter underlying both of Raphael’s The School of Athens and The Dispute of the Holy Sacrament.


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