In recent days the Russian Memorial to the September 11, 2001 attack has again been called to our attention. Many readers of this blog in the back of their mind are asking, “I heard about that before, but where was it that I read or heard about it?” It may have been from this blog, in a posting by Pierre. As a guest posting I call it once again to your attention. You will see upon review of the document by Pierre, it was a gift to Mr. LaRouche on his 93rd birthday. A gift of a gift, so to speak.
To refresh your memory, here is the link to the original posting with Pierre’s introduction,
Keep fightin’!
Gene Schenk
Posted on Pierre Beaudry
Why have Americans not paid attention to the generous gesture of Russian President Vladimir Putin for his monumentally insightful gift of the “Tear Drop” Memorial inaugurated at the Bayonne Harbor, in Bayonne New Jersey on September 16, 2005, for the Continue reading THE TEAR DROP OF FORGIVENESS