When I started investigating the nature of God, I was not thinking of religion per se. I was interested in finding out the qualities that I would have to have if I were Him. So, almost immediately, the first idea that came to me was that God must be exactly the opposite of an oligarch; that is, He must be personally truthful and just to mankind.
Next, the second idea that came to me was that God has to be the uncaused principle of everything that changes in the Universe. So, in that sense, he could not, Himself, be created, because He would have to submit to change. The problem is: How can such a cause be represented as an idea?
And, finally, the third idea that came to me was that God had to be merciful, because the word “miséricordieux” in French had the name of God included in it. Truthful, Creative, and Merciful, those are the reasons why I also think man can become God-like. But, how can the human mind construct a concept of that likeness? And, the answer to that came to me when I realized that the idea could not be a pairwise relationship, but a triply-connected process.